The Sunny Skate Series is born

PRESS RELEASE: 21st April 2022

The inaugural Sunny Skate Series is a brand-new skateboard competition with a twist. With skateboarding popularity after the Tokyo Olympics, local councils, coaches and skaters are pleading for a platform to facilitate the growth and popularity of the sport.

The Series founders, Sunshine Coast based company Event Generals and Skate Coach, Mat Chigwidden decided a competition of this nature was needed not just locally but with the intention to grow it locally and eventually nationally.

Approved by council for four events in the Series, Josh & Mat are thrilled to bring a brand new skate competition to the Alex Skate Park once a quarter throughout the year.

“This format gives the kids I coach and all the skaters around Queensland to train for something on a regular basis. Skate comps do exist, but they are low key and irregular. We looked at the model of other sports and tried to mimic them”.

On October 8th, Josh & Mat will host the first event of the Series and have some major announcements to make over the coming weeks including celebrity judges, key partnerships with credible sponsors and much more.

“This event series will gives the talented generation coming through a truly compelling platform to express themselves. The Tokyo Olympics was an inspiration for us and with Brisbane hosting the 2032 games, we want to play a role in progressing the talent pool we have here on the Coast and around Australia”.

You can check out all the action in just a few months, follow the Series Instagram and website for regular updates.


The Journey Begins